Engineering office Binder & Föhl
Automation technology GmbH

The engineering office Binder & Föhl Automatisierungstechnik GmbH, founded in 1995 by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Binder and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Föhl, is your specialist in the field of automation technology. With currently 30 employees at our location in Nürtingen as well as our wide range of services, we can react quickly and flexibly to the wishes of our customers, on the side of control technology. It is irrelevant for us whether our customers make use of our complete range of services or only parts of it. If you would like to join our company and contribute to our further success, please have a look at our current job offers.
Certified according to DIN ISO 9001

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Our wide range of services enables us to react quickly and flexibly to all our customers’ wishes.

Become part of the team
If you would like to join our company and contribute to our continued success, become part of the ibf team.

Proven many times
See for yourself – our advantages are obvious.
Performance overview
Your advantages
Our extensive portfolio in the field of control technology allows us to react flexibly to all customer-specific requirements.
Through this and through the number of our employees in the individual areas, we can also guarantee our customers a certain degree of security and flexibility, which is also confirmed to us again and again through a high level of customer loyalty and retention from numerous customers in the area of mechanical engineering and the automotive industry.
In the area of PLC software development alone, 15 employees are currently employed. Here we have specialized in particular on the development environments Siemens Step7 and TIA-Portal as well as on the development environments CoDeSys and TwinCAT. In addition, we have been listed as a system partner with 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH for many years.
But also through our other areas with 3 E-Plan P8 workstations as well as 6 employees in control cabinet construction and plant cabling, it is possible for us to react flexibly and quickly to customer requests and also to implement larger production plants on schedule.